Recommended site for Sailormoon info -
f = female's point of view (pov)
m = male's pov
w = windox123's pov
Why watch?
f: tuxedo mask / moonlight knight :)
m: the sailors transforming ;)
w: it helped me memorise the planets in the solar system before Pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet in 2006 -
An unlikely cry baby with a meatball hair-do received a moon prism from a talking cat. She transformed into her alter ego, Sailormoon to defeat evil beings from the negaverse.
Who's your sailormoon alter ego?
1. I'm mostly attracted to
A. bubbles
B. hearts
C. roses
D. fire
E. lightning
F. rabbits
2. My biggest strength
A. brain
B. empathy
C. I don’t get hat hair
D. chasing perverts (like my grandpa)
away using a broomstick
E. loyal
F. playing video games
3. My biggest weakness
A. over analyser
B. fear of auditioning
C. bad short term & long term memory
D. control freak
E. sometimes I come across as
intimidating to the opposite gender
F. anything that doesn’t involve video
games, especially studying, coordination & being punctual
4. My quirkiest charm
A. I give off a Steve Jobs / Bill Gates
B. I get sick if I’m out of orbit from
C. I suit any type of cape
D. I can put on a red & white miko
robe in less than a minute
E. I can be a model with my height, but
I choose not to
F. in the next star wars movie I can
audition to be one of Darth Vader’s twin offspring
5. My fav accessories
A. books & gadgets
B. eyelash extensions for optimal
winking effect
C. cane
D. anything not related to rowing boats –
I had a bad experience (got dumped)
E. bare hands for combat, gardening & cooking
F. eye candy & coins to insert into
arcade machines
6. My life motto
A. logic over looks
B. love conquers all
C. remember to stop to smell the roses
D. applying anger management is really
E. stand up for others shorter than me
F. the cup is half full – like using a
failed test paper as an opportunity to scrunch it up & improve my slam
dunks in the nearest recycling bin
As = Sailor Mercury, Bs = S' Venus, Cs = Tuxedo Mask, Ds = S' Mars, Es = S'Jupiter, Fs = S' Moon
TWO - Captain Planet
Recommended sites to be a real life planeteer -
Why watch?
f: if only I could pull those rings out from the tv & put them on my fingers
m: seeing Wheeler get shot down by Linka episode after episode but gets the girl in the end - gives me hope
w: helped me get in touch with my inner hippie
Five planeteers from different continents were chosen to combine their natural element rings to summon Captain Planet. Together they try to take pollution down to zero.
What ring type are you?
1. If I was a scientist I’ll study
A. botany
B. ecosystems
C. ornithology
D. marine biology
E. affective science
2. Outdoor activity I don’t mind
A. gardening
B. protesting to conserve the planet’s
natural resources
C. bird watching
D. surfing
E. talking to animals in the wild
3. My biggest strength
A. I'm grounded
B. optimistic
C. bilingual
D. swimming
E. telepathy
4. My biggest weakness
A. deforestation makes me lose my
B. impulsiveness
C. letting someone who isn’t a bird to
get to know me
D. I can’t speak the dolphin language
E. I can be too emo
5. My life motto
A. let’s grow organic plants in
eco-friendly greenhouses instead off emitting greenhouse gases
B. I’m all in for true nature & true
C. birds flocked together will look even
better saving the environment
D. 70% of the earth is covered in water,
if the same % of land dwellers protect sea life – there’s no need to pay to
go to aquariums
E. animals have just as much feelings as
As = Earth, Bs = Fire, Cs = Wind, Ds = Water, Es = Heart
THREE - Arthur
Theme Song -
Info & spin off sites -
Why watch?
f: kept wishing I had parents as understanding as Mr David Read & Mrs Jane Read - even for an afternoon
m: learnt to tolerate others who wore a yellow cotton sweater
w: the theme song was a guilty pleasure
About an aardvark named Arthur who is confronted with changing social environments. It's hard prioritising younger siblings daily (especially if they hog the tv when Bionic Bunny is on), dealing with extended family members & learning how to relate to friends from different ethnic and family backgrounds.
Are you team Bionic Bunny or Dark Bunny?
1. I think
A. it’s liberating to wear underwear
over my pants
B. it’s liberating to be gloomy
2. My biggest strength
A. sneakers
B. broodiness
3. My biggest weakness
A. salt
B. emotionally damaged by an evil witch
As = Team Bionic Bunny, Bs = Team Dark Bunny
FOUR - Madeline
Theme Song -
Why watch?
f: soft spot for the Bad Hat
m: I wouldn't mind living next door to girls my own age (there's 12 of them = 1/12 chance of scoring)
w: Genevieve the dog was irresistible
It's the idealistic life of orphaned girls.
True or False?
Miss Clavel was a nun (False)
Miss Clavel was a nurse (True)
FIVE - The Raggy Dolls
Theme Song -
Info site -
Why watch?
f: pretty is subjective - looks are a layer of skin
m: if a back-to-front handyman doll's catch phrase is 'no problem' - I can apply it when I'm lost to stop to ask for directions if my GPS is back-to-front
w: taught me how not to fret about trivial matters
Life's not perfect - that means it's expected each person has imperfections. Take life as an adventure and rejections are the life guides to awaken inner strength.
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